ETF Sponsee Spotlight: Juma and Glory

Juma and Glory are two of our earliest sponsored children and they are now attending Scolastica Secondary School! They both return to Tupendane Orphanage in between semesters and have grown up together. Our Executive Director, Nancy Bushek has known them for 11 years now.

“Juma was at Tupendane when I was a volunteer. He was rambunctious and a little bit of a trouble maker. When Mom came to visit, she knew right away that he needed more stimulation than he was getting at Tupendane.

Once in school, he blossomed. I will stand by this forever — kids require structure and guidance. They don’t know how to voice it, but it makes them feel safe. Juma is now one of the most disciplined students we have and performs at the top of his class in each semester. The success he has accomplished since being in school is inspiring. He is turning into a fine young gentleman and we are so proud of him.

Juma in Primary School (left), and celebrating his graduation to Secondary School (right.)

Glory was also at Tupendane when I was a volunteer. She was quiet and didn’t engage much with the other kids. Since being in school she has learned so much about herself and has found her confidence. She is kind to the other kids, polite and tries hard in her classes. She loves to play net ball and hang with the girls. “

Glory celebrating her Graduation from Green Valley School